Friday, March 11, 2011

Kate From Katesplaygound Foot

nuclear makeshift was to be expected


a terrible earthquake occurred in Japan, which-according to some sources, have been found terrremotos the seven strongest on the planet since it keeps track. The worst, apparently, was not the earthquake itself, but this caused a huge tsunami, with waves up to 10 meters, which destroyed much of the northeastern coast of Japan.

I heard the news on television, but on Twitter, at an early hour, there were lots of messages of improvised reporters who have decided to inform but not the one you requested. Vi messages from friends, acquaintances or people who simply follow, giving the news of the accident. Some expressed their alarm at one of the strongest earthquakes, one in the number of aftershocks movement (normal thing in these cases), which had already reached one hundred. Others echoed the news. In short, suddenly the twitter community begins with the topic, it is up trend label (a label that is placed in this notation # label ), and then we can tell Twitter posts show us talk about this . So, suddenly, on Twitter we improvised a lot of reporters who do not know why arts, have decided they have to report, but also there are many who put the notes in the most dramatic tone that let the 140 character Twitter because you know it seems that not enough tragedy, but, like solace in it.

For example, mmariabela wrote on Twitter: The # Tsunami and SE went through Mexico, Taiwan and the Philippines without any major disasters ... thank God.

how good you are reporting!

Or MaraSanchez26 put it: "RT @ UNoticias : Issues New Tsunami Alert in eastern Japan Thank God the waves were very welcome arrival to Mexico ..! # Tsunami # Japan

Please tell me about something nobody asked.
And there are those who already wants to take advantage. moles user put it:" @ @ moles Urge polo_polo tsunami tickets # # japan paypal: santander: 92000709294 deductible

really, without any irony or sarcasm, I'm amazed how fast this organization is ready to go to Japan . what these people are just hoping that there will be a disaster for the orders of who to go to help? What does not work? I do not understand. Really.
lapostatv , meanwhile, says, "
# Tsunami is overheated nuclear reactor in Japan. You go 105 aftershocks

What are we supposed to do by overheated nuclear reactor? Can we do something? What matter if they are 105 replicas? Do you expect this user has not replicas of Twitter? What these data tell us? He seems happy to give a terrible news: nuclear reactor overheats. Damn, and now who can help?
Anyway, suffice it to realize that there is a strange interest, would almost morbid, to express the news most infamous, the most scandalous. I do not know if this is human nature, but if so, I do not cause me any grace or no pride.


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