me share with you this interesting article by Professor MONICA BATTLE. I hope you learn !!... significant parts to talk to parents in first meeting.
"If we reanalyzed our practice and aware of the need to amend certain aspects of course no guarantee is made with the single modification of the term, but no doubt that for a start.
In much literature some of which may be called official, has begun to use the terminology of "initial period or period of initiation" to refer to this first stage of the school year. The same, but would be under the same rules in force for the adjustment period would reference to a stage that seeks a little more than mere adaptation and involve in its definition all groups with or without previous experience in the education system. Notably
-like planting a running mate, the problem of this period is not the same for the family in a first instance of socialization of the child when he takes some time within the system.
do we mean by that initial period?
We refer to a stage, the teacher shall provide at the time, where, through various strategies aim at:
1 .- Knowledge of the group by the teacher and children. 2 .- Formation
-or affirmation in the cases of groups with experience- the idea of \u200b\u200bgroup. 3 .-
accommodate the individual differences, or acceptance of the changes in the group, where groups with experience, income and expenditure of children to group
4 .- Adaptation of educational knowledge, or , where groups with different experiences, rediscovery of the new room and if it is very beneficial to children reassemble, redistributing spaces and decorated with supposedly known application techniques,
5 .- Survey of knowledge to develop the diagnosis of group or confrontation of knowledge children have acquired in previous years
6 .- Preparation of standards coexistence and methodologies to use, with the participation of the child. One teacher said: "The adjustment period is the threshold of disorder", which is not established at this stage it is unclear to anyone.
This among other things. The important thing is clear to parents that the initial period is a matter of three: the child, family and teachers. And are the three who must deal with it. Consider each aspect, which actually make a whole.
Family, should understand that the child must adjust to a different situation, although prior experience.
should also remind Parents:
.. Do not forget that the child will face a change in their daily life and although the results can always be stressful.
.. the memory or the idea that children have of the place may not always match reality. ..
groups are not static and people that form, though they are 4 or 5 years may have been modified at the same event, and then that fellah with how well it is no longer understand it.
.. should give you a space in time for the child to affirm, or reaffirm, their safety in the environment and the group and people that shape it, and also their family.
Tell the parents, with or without previous experience in the education system: "That children have an" Initial Period "to open the school where there will be a reduction in expected time each teacher shall determine the manner within the institution ... ... that may change as we move forward in time and see that children are integrated into the new activities planned for this old and new friends ..... and we support all the above at this stage .. .. " We agree that limiting the discussion and parental anxiety is not it? Who can argue that this is an initial period? Would not a logical argument, since no we are talking about a mere adaptation, but arguably something a little deeper. It is likely and almost certain that the parents are right in the fact that your child does not need much time to adapt, but the reality is that we seek something more than adaptation. We want that child that is already adapted to the changes to form a working group and know for sure that "together with other" changes are achieved and work is better.
Child: not forget who has to cope with change and readjust to situations, and although it has previous experience in education should always take his time to adapt to changes Time and others.
is also necessary to review the methodologies used for this first stage of the year as the benefit is not verifiable income groups at the initial level, except in exceptions that cover the halls of 0, 1 and 2 years. It is very difficult for a child of 4 or 5 years to understand that his cousin, neighbor, classmate started the garden, but he will do so within two weeks or at best within three days. It depends on your luck and the decision of the teacher in the selection of subgroups, then neither is established that if you have no experience should be last or first to enter since in both cases is harmful: the first because when she goes to all "have very clear what to do" and the second because the group is in continuous change which prevents you from arriving at the idea of \u200b\u200bsecurity that gives the stability of the group. In the income groups is also common to find different "teacher availability," non-criticizing, eye-as time goes on, as the fatigue and routine are often poor counselors. A methodology supported by some psychologists related to income groups is the finding that all groups begin the same day but with time differences, to be inserted gradually into each other, of course ... here seem not to have thought much about the teacher, at the end of Initial period should take leave and go through a period of recovery.
The total group income and reduced working hours seems to be the most consistent and passing the comprehensive analysis of various criteria (Except for parents who want to leave her son full time since the first day)
Thinking depending on the child can be the hardest thing in this period, as institutional arrangements that would enable the necessary variables for teaching strategies.
The teacher: OK this stage without the teacher think that things happen also to be addressed, is not analyzed in depth. The teacher is faced with a new stressful situation, to know a new group with its functions and dysfunctions, it is not easy. Return to a group that already work, often exhausting, because the same parents expect different things from the same teacher, and often are taken for granted by the single echo others "that already was the master of the boy last year." And take a group that comes with experience but with one or more teachers is even more complicated because our idea and methodology certainly does not match or coincide very little with other teachers, then, the rules of conduct are different, I mean by "conduct and standards of behavior" built disagree with the child.
Also at this stage there is a need to consider the diagnosis of learning, knowledge, previous ideas of the group and to structure a plan of action or planning courtly consistent and in accordance to the needs and interests of the group and related to the curriculum court, the PEI-Institutional Educational Project-and PCI-Institutional Curriculum Project. Small job!
is obvious that the teacher also needs an initial period, which will help "integrate" the group and the educational structure.
would be interesting glimpse of this PERIOD with critical thinking. Given that the initial level opens up the path of knowledge to children, and is the kindergarten teacher who helps them navigate the first steps in this adventure of learning (knowledge, know-how and above all knowing how to be), and it would be our hope that the traffic the educational system was a shared adventure of learning.
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