Today I received a very shocking video pictures on a topic you have been given the title: STRONG IMAGES OF LISTING FOR GREAT CAUSES
The photographs are very impressive and very well adapted to the subject but among them, which impressed me most was the one that says: "More than 50% of suicides committed by elderly" and I stopped to reflect.
Since I am a person that can be assigned and the title of "old" I could not help trying to adapt my thinking to that extreme attitude life and, for some time, I searched in my mind the reason that can lead to an elder to terminate its existence in this world.
course, as well as the saying goes, "every person is a world" and you can not generalize on this point since, each has its own reality, however, is a circumstance in a given time is the same for everyone in general. Of course some will come a little later than others but with little difference and that is, physical deterioration, details of which I will not explain here because, who else, who least known, but in the flesh, in others . This brings me to yet another shocking reminder that I read, for quite some time, a married couple, both doctors, with a stable family of seven children who were found dead lying in her bed after committing suicide. In the note he left, seems to be saying that he had been chosen because of physical deterioration began to suffer, did not want to live. And this brings me to the final question: Are they right these suicide, there is a phone just for this decision? I would say yes. And here is where I expose my arguments.
Throughout life, while going forward in years, the body changes and the mind as well, but every day brings new hope for change, something new, a different expectation. And that positive feeling is durable, I would almost say that if eternal life is not excessively long. But if it continues, there comes a strange moment because no one knows define an unexpected situation arises suddenly, imperceptibly, like a snake winding and insidious that we compressed and slowly, we are aware of that final, that's not expecting anything because it's all over.
is when one is aware of the loss of stability, and suddenly you dare not go out alone what if you fall? You do not want to catch the bus without help because it costs up and down and, above all, maintain balance if you can not find a seat. You can not go to lunch or dinner with friends, or even a coffee because you are ashamed of tremors of your hands. What if you drop the cup? The eyes of fellow diners are compassionate and even some, indiscreet, hear how he says coldly: "Your hands are shaking" had not yet been realized in your old age, your physical deterioration. This is when you start to lock yourself at home, not wanting to leave. Friends are lost, those who are your age, are in similar situations and the younger, extend phone calls, emails, invitations. It is then that you are aware of how you have become a burden to others. Dawning day, and each brings a tenth of a disappointment that accumulates to form a mountain discouragement. The most compassionate
trying to convince you of that utopian eternal hope that you know very well has ceased to exist and smile in silence because you appreciate the good intentions but you know the truth. There is no hope, nothing left. Around you, the vacuum inside you, a lot of nostalgic memories of something that was but also begins to fade, to disappear because they do not know if those memories have been or are the product of your imagination, a few desires ever dreamed and achieved. Are aware of the tricks of the mind. You forget, repeat, did also invent? You begin to stop being you.
Therefore, when reading this morning that statement in which numbered 50% of elderly people are finished with your life, I was not surprised, to me it seemed normal but I do not know if I have the courage to carry it out, I do not think so. I hope and trust that life is benevolent enough to me and close my eyes forever rather than being a burden to others, before that total, bitter and hard despair, completely take over my environment.
I know I put the illusion of something that stimulates my desire to live, everyone has their secret hidden in the closet. Digging in the corners, I have found mine, entertainment writing. I will not go too far with this project, I know, but when left unattended a spark of hope, I'll keep this as a treasure ... even though my writings only serve to give a little light to each new day and even though only a few fools are those who dare to read my words.
So far, I have decided to partner with an NGO called "right to die with dignity" They take care of my life is not maintained by artificial means if there is no possibility of cure. To which I have more terror is to end my life in a vegetative life. No. No one allows it. MAGDA.
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