In the solitude sought, desired and enjoyed in this house, to get cold weather when winter begins to let us see your nose, amuse the hours of lectures, video scripts and movies than there are here, a nice collection. Yesterday I saw a topic given to me to think, but this is not very hard on me. Any incident, however small, gives reason to mess with my mind, analyze, and imagine elucubrar details, situations, moments, awakening memories and create stories that later reflected in the paper. The film is titled in English "The Winter Guest" and although I accept the reality that certainly does not please all audiences because it can be boring, has little dialogue and beautiful landscape but in context, may seem depressing to me I liked it because it exposes the depth of feeling and it shows in daily living in a small group of characters with different qualities. An old mother, recently widowed daughter, his grandson, a young man awakening to sex, two elderly women and two teenagers important tasks. The piano music is sweet, the lead actress, Emma Thompson, one of my favorite actresses and develops all of it in the town covered by the ice of winter, harsh but it seemed to me filled with the warmth of the emotional feelings.
I will not explain the film, who wants to see her, the look in a video store, maybe you are, just want to say to wrap up the forgotten dreams stored in the heart and filling me laid bare an incomprehensible nostalgia. There are events when you see them live in other characters, without knowing why, hang on, the beams of you and somehow, I miss them even if not exact experiences, however, the event it has been similar, similar to the mark left on your heart. Something moved, one day, which thrilled the heartstrings of your spirit and greatly resembled the scenes of the film and that makes you return to the past where they were deployed before you, beautiful moments after leaving a smoldering without knowing nostalgia fit them in the right place, so the hide, try to forget and so forgotten, years pass, the time ... until one day, when you think you are strong, invincible, you all, you and makes you not nick anything ... Suddenly, the interpretation of a scene, a phrase comes and lights the spark of memory. You see yourself in that situation although the scene is totally different, what matters is the feeling revived.
That was exactly what happened to me yesterday with this film and, as I always do, I analyzed the cause. Perhaps because it takes place in a village in the sea and I always liked the fishing villages, perhaps because of the flight and the cries of the gulls, I love the flight of these birds near the sea, seen resting or fish, or feelings of the young widow with whom I identified the mother or the elderly which she refuses to age. Even the waking life of the young couple, now fled, and impossible to live again, or the innocence of teens who are hesitant to open unexpected realities. Or, who knows, the fear of becoming, with time, a task that gossip not only concerned to enjoy the hardships of others. I do not know, I do not understand the impact that my heart used to feel when something moves me and takes my mind to that cause regressions already forgotten the taste of a memory that was not even sure if you have lived or simply a feeling and felt or desired by the perceived happiness at heart, a happiness aged, painted yellow, transparent silk, tarnished by the passage of time covered by forgotten dreams.
However, this nostalgia makes me happy, makes me feel alive, with lots of experiences, good and not so necessary and good but all beautiful because every one of them, have been part of my life and are united to me. They, experiences, events, anecdotes, every moment experienced are engraved markings that can emerge to remember something, already occurred at some point in life ... something that somehow stayed in the heart forever. FRIENDS
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